Projet Organisation
The operation of the PHARE experimental facility relies on three structures as shown in the organisation chart shown in the figure below.
Steering committee:
The role of this committee is to define the strategic positioning, the policy of communication with the industrial and academic sectors, and the orientations of developing facilities. To achieve this, it formulates the scientific research program, the actions to be implemented to carry it out and the resources that have to be assigned to it each year. It is composed of a representative of each of the leading industrial companies in the domains that are involved in the project and several potential clients, representatives of governing bodies, representatives of the local and national clusters concerned (ACIRA cluster, Carnot network) (Astech cluster, etc.) and partner laboratories. The steering committee will also be in charge of drawing up the global evaluation of the scientific production and the patents generated by the Phare platform on the basis of the data supplied by the manager of the PHARE experimental facility.
The platform manager:
On a daily basis the platform is managed by a manager whose role is to implement and carry out the programs entrusted to him. He manages the personnel directly assigned to the platform and coordinates the actions carried out by the platform on behalf of the laboratories or the Institut Carnot. He reports to industrial clients and every year draw up an evaluation and an outlook for the steering committee. He is responsible for planning the experiments from the standpoint of quality assurance and monitoring the progress of contractual activities. He reports in writing every quarter on the progress of the tasks to the President of the facility. The person under consideration for this post is Mr X. Ottavy (ECL).
Financial management tool:
The GIE Carnot I@L will be in charge of the financial supervision and management of the PHARE facility. The Institut Carnot, with which 3 of the 4 laboratories concerned are associated, has over the last years financed and managed complex inter-laboratory and inter-establishment projects. A specific budget allocation will be set up that will permit the thorough financial supervision of this structure within a far larger structure, and it will also provide a wider financial base making it possible to attenuate the effects of external events.